Sunday, August 15, 2010

greetings from paradise...

Hello from the gorgeous La Mamounia hotel in Marrakech! We arrived yesterday afternoon after a short flight from Spain....well, long flight if you count the two hours we spent on the ground waiting to take off, but for those of you who know my travel history, it was basically just an average day...
Morocco is like nothing I've ever seen before...i can't wait to share pictures! Unfortunately my camera is down at the moment, and believe it or not, it's raining in the desert! While not exactly what we were expecting to encounter, it is almost a blessing. Two days ago it was 110 degrees here and now it is only in the 80's.
Even though the weather is not typical for the region it is still the most fascinating and exotic place i've ever seen. It is places like this that remind me just how big our world really is...there are no McDonalds or Starbucks nearby and very few signs are written in English (the language is French and most signs are written in Arabic). Right after we arrived yesterday D and I got to witness afternoon prayer...something I can't even describe. Everything stops for that moment and the prayers are played from speakers loud enough to stretch across the entire city. We stood on our balcony, surrounded by total silence for miles with the exception of the prayers. It was moving and intimidating...
The rain is letting up so we are preparing to go to the local markets and hopefully find some fun things to bring back with us!
Happy birthday to Binky! I hope you are having an awesome day! Miss you tons...
