Friday, September 28, 2012

a very happy day...

Exactly a year ago today my life changed in the most magnificent way imaginable.

In the past 365 days there have been too many highs to count--giggles, coos, playtime, peek-a-boo, enough silliness to last a lifetime--and a few lows too--sleepless nights, his first cold, a temper tantrum or two recently.  But the most fascinating part of this first year is how quickly my little Monsieur l'Pea has grown.  He is so big and mobile and funny...not at all the tiny baby I snuggled in the hospital bed late at night a year ago.

I have begun cleaning out drawers and closets in preparation for our some day move into a bigger apartment.  Earlier this week I came across his shoes from this past year.  A flood of memories overwhelmed me...

Like the first time we put shoes on him at 3 months old...Pea's feet were too big to wear anything with built in feet, so I finally broke down and put shoes on him.  He wore them once and outgrew them.  At six months old his shoes were exactly the width and length of an iPhone. (Seriously)  It was our favorite party trick for the summer.  
His shoes are now starting to resemble those of a big boy and I don't like it because I know that his chunky little toes and fat little feet are going slim down soon and all of the chunky baby fluff will be gone.  At least for now he is still my chunky monkey, fluffy bunny baby boy and I can still SQUEEZE him all the time! If motherhood has taught me anything, it is to savor the sweet moments because before you know it they are gone.
So happy birthday to my most beloved, special, one of a kind little boy with the big brown eyes and a head full of hair!  I never imagined that I could be as happy as I am in this very moment and it is because I have you!  

May you have the happiest, most charmed, spirited life on this earth doing what you love most.  

May you never fear the monsters under your bed, but become their friends and throw a monster party!

May you always be surrounded by sun and warmth, even on the greyest days...maybe even splash in a puddle or two.  

And may you never doubt that you are loved times one hundred because you infinity and back!
I love love love you!  

Now let's have a party!!!

Happy Birthday!

mommy (ki)

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