Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lunch with the Queen

After lots (and I mean lots) of family time, my sister and I got out of the house for a little bit yesterday. We met my dear friend Ashley--affectionately known as Mom during our college years--for lunch and caught up on all things, including her new life as a mom-to-be.
Ashley has been the queen of good taste since our college years (thank goodness someone was there to raise the bar for the rest of us). She has always had a way of finding the perfect little gift, a flower arrangement that was just right, or making drinks with the girls more like an understated cocktail I said, she always brought up the curve...
And now, her gift and stationary store in North Alabama is the perfect balance of elegance and simple Southern chic. I guess all of that practice in college made perfect!

Check out the website and blog...


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